Sun is shining. Birds are chirping. Waterfalls are flowing. Kids laugh and splash. It’s another magical day in Indonesia. It’s also my last full day here as my vacay comes to a close.
The last day of a vacation is always filled with a mix of emotions… and this time it’s a bit different. I’m not all that sad because it has been one of the best and longest vacations I’ve ever taken. It’s probably the first time I’m not dreading going home & back to work! I’m also really not homesick – if I had the means right now, I‘d keep going for sure.

But overall, I am at peace, and filled with joy because of all the awesome experiences… Not to mention all the great people I’ve met along the way.
As I soak up the last ounces of sun in Bali, my soul & spirit are full. And how could I not love sitting under a tree that is shedding one of my favorite flowers right onto me? It is indeed raining Plumeria. <3